Callan Institute Team
Caroline Dench
Caroline Dench, B.A, M.A. Clinical Psychology, Adjunct Associate Professor UCD. Ch. Psychol., P.S.I., Caroline is the co-ordinator of Callan Institute, Saint John of God Community Services clg, Ireland. Having trained as a Clinical Psychologist she has focused on training and supporting staff, families and organisations to support people with behavioural support needs. Her work draws upon extensive experience as a practitioner, trainer and lecturer both in Ireland and the United States. She joined Callan Institute in 1997 and has assisted in its development as a nationally accredited training and consultation agency.
Christina Doody
Christina Doody, BA, Pg Dip ABA, MA Cognitive Science, is a Behaviour Specialist with the Callan Institute. In her role, she is responsible for the delivery of training, and the assessment and design of behaviour support plans for individuals within Saint John of God Services. She conducts and participates in research project design, trains front-line staff and maintains an active caseload. Christina has a keen interest in human rights and was responsible for linking the MEBS model to a rights based approach. She chairs the following committees within the Order’s services: Kerry Behaviour Support committee, the Intellectual Disability Research committee and the Emerging Voices committee. In addition, Christina is a member of the Provincial Human Rights committee, Menni Services Rights Review committee and Drumcar Positive Behaviour Support committee. Recently, she has been involved in policy development and review in the area of behaviour management within the Order’s services. Prior to joining the Callan Institute Christina lectured in Cognitive Psychology for Oscail, National Distance Education Centre, in DCU. She worked as a research assistant for Clinical Psychologist Dr Miriam Moore in the areas of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Well Being in the Workplace. She has also worked as a researcher with Galway Family History Society West. She spent a number of years working in a caring and supportive capacity with the sick and also worked for a short period in London with people with mild intellectual disability who were homeless. In addition Christina worked for a number of years with adults with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour in Saint John of God residential services. Professional membership: Reg Psychol Ps.S.I. and British Psychological Society (Graduate Membership).
Lisa Condren
Lisa Condren RUA-Co-ordinator, is a graduate of DIT’s Applied Social Care Programme, has worked in a number of disability services across Dublin for nearly 30 years, 20 of those with SJOGCS. Throughout her career, Lisa has always recognised the importance of providing support in the area of relationships and friendships.While working in SJOGCS, Lisa completed the RUA Course in ‘Facilitating Friendships, Relationships and Sexuality Education Programme’ and also attended the Practice Certificate in RUA. She has supported people in this area in both group and individualised settings for over 12 years as well as developing the SJOG Dublin South East RUA Facilitators Forum. During this time she saw first-hand the positive outcomes resulting from the provision of resources, education and supports in this area developed along with services adopting a rights based approach. In 2019 Lisa graduated from the Graduate Certificate in Relationship and Sexuality Education for People with Disabilities in DCU. Lisa is looking forward to working with all in SJOGCS, the RUA facilitators and expanding the RUA Network and resources to meet the needs of the people we support
Carol May .
The administrative team is the first port of call when people contact Callan Institute, bringing lots of variety to our days– with talking with families, services and staff members; coordinating various trainings, projects and events; and all the time working hard to keep our team ‘on the road’ well looked after. With nearly 30 years administrative experience in Saint John of God, being part of a team that strives to change things for the better is the most satisfying part of the work.
Teresa Mallon, Director.